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Monday, December 5, 2011

The War on Christmas

  Well here we are, the most wonderful time of the year. People have put up their tree, decorations and buying gifts. Everything about this time of year is truly magical. Everyone is taking in the spirit of the season. Everything from attacking Christians, complaining about Christmas trees, parties, and the birth of Christ. Oh yes, this time of year just warms everyone's hearts. Now the people have started in on Santa. Really? Who's next, Frosty, Rudolph, gingerbread men cookies? Of course we knew it was a matter of time until the liberals and atheist's went after Christmas because of its Christian meaning. But now they are so confused they have gone after Santa. Has anyone seen the new Best Buy ads? They are just mean. I'm surprised that Santa isn't banned now at malls, parades and tv specials. Santa is already not welcome in the Ft. Worth public school system, as I learned last week on the news. 

  Now, some may ask "why is Phil not concentrating on the true meaning of Christmas?" Well just hold on and keep reading. Back even 20+ years ago Christmas was something very sacred and the atheist and liberals left it alone. I have also noticed a lot in the last couple of years that even our local stations wish us a "Happy Holiday" while showing a Christmas tree or decorations. Stores don't have sales for Christmas presents, it's holiday presents, but the stores have Christmas decorations to help the shoppers get into the magic of the season. The stores will even go so far as to play Christian based Christmas songs. However they just can't say Merry Christmas. Oh no, that would offend someone. As Christians we don't go after atheist and bum them out when they are celebrating no God, Jesus, the manger or the Cross. Nor do we stand and protest when a park doesn't include a manger scene or if there is a Parade of Lights. We don't complain about Hannakah or Kwanzaa, whatever that is. But the naysayers will sure give and receive gifts on December 25th and even take that day off paid. Hypocrites, they have no commitment to their cause. We dont complain because we carry within us the true meaning of the season. Why are they so offended anyway? It's not like we are gathering up all our Christian Christmas stuff and barging into their homes and forcing them to participate. Wouldn't that be fun Of course I love Christmas, not only for the birth of our Savior, but all the stuff that comes with it. The old Christmas tv specials, movies, trees and lights. The songs and of course the food. Lots of Christians enjoy those things as well, but we can because we have the wonderful knowledge of Christ. Now I could find several passages in the Bible explaining why they are so against Christmas, "the hearts of man will grow cold." I say we take the holiday back! Whenever you pass someone on the street, a salesperson, a OWS protestor wish them a Merry Christmas. Tell them of the abundant love of our God for giving us a savior. They won't like it, but I'm tired of those knuckleheads infringing on my right to celebrate the birth of my Savior. 

  Merry Christmas y'all.